Tuesday, June 12, 2012

ipie is a Good Egg!

We are very excited to announce that ipie is now a Good Egg!

This means we join a growing list of SF Bay Area food producers being given new online tools to reach people who love discovering new artisanal foods and who care about the quality of the food they eat.

In other words, you!

This leaves us time to do what we are good at which is baking! 

Good Eggs Inc., located in the Mission District of San Francisco and founded by Rob Spiro and Alon Salant, has developed both a single order system as well as a subscription service for local ipie fans. 

Want your ipies automatically baked for you every month or twice a month?  Now you can sign up for an ipie subscription service.  An ipie club -- how cool is that!

Ordering and pick up is easy!  Ordering is via our new Good Eggs webstore and can be accessed from our ipie website (ordering information to the right) as well.   And there are two pick up locations and three pick up times to choose from.

So whether you want to place single orders of ipies or want to set up a monthly ipie subscription --  click here to explore our Good Eggs webstore. 

Questions?  Email us!

Thanks ipie fans!

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